
Christmas and New Years was spent like any other day, work. Then I meet the boy to have dinner or I come back to see him. I am somewhat okay with that. I'm just glad I have him. Some days at work, it feels really lonely. It's funny how you're talking and laughing with someone… Continue reading #066


Currently listening to Justin Bieber's BELIEVE Acoustic album on Spotify. Been into looking for wedding songs even tho the boy hasn't asked yet. I wonder if there is even a lot on my mind lately. Or am I just thinking about specific things far too much. I think about Jjong's suicide last December where I… Continue reading #064


3 and a half days with this boy home. Brought him to eat and we walked a bit and brought some snacks too. Didn't buy much, I realized that we are not those that eat a lot of snacks. I feel like we are those that only buy snacks when we want it. To a… Continue reading #063


Wow. Every. Single. Time. That I think things are getting better with the boy's mum, I get scolded. I got scolded on Sunday morning, writhing the first five mins that I woke up. Again. Because I accidentally left out the father's pants, while washing clothes. To her, it's just a pair of pants, I could've… Continue reading #062


Is this me having self doubt or quarter life crisis, I don't know. I can't help but feel like I have let people down, if not - my family at least. I know there are people that went to the same school as me and yet they are at a totally different path. But that… Continue reading #055


Annoyed, at the best. I am back at the boy's place today. It was going as usual, until his mum comes out. I thought I was okay since she probably is just getting her dinner. Until she asks me to get some soup to drink. So, I said I will wait for the boy. Suddenly,… Continue reading #054


Have not been on here for awhile, didn't get to trace back much about my Christmas cruise trip with the boy, also didn't get to update about my family trip to Taiwan last week, before my sister went of to China for work. She'll be gone for about a year. Just the other day, I… Continue reading #053


When you try so hard to become better and you really believed that things were getting better.. the boy's mum drooped a bomb last night. Not sure what set her off in the first place, but while me and the boy were having dinner at home, she was already talking about how messy the sink… Continue reading #052


Just yesterday, I posted about how the boy loves me in his little ways. Then I find myself in the midst of being upset with him later last night. How he wants his time alone because he isn't in his best state, emotionally. It leaves me thinking why he couldn't have told me from the… Continue reading #051